Man United Kingdom

added by Mike
Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
Back Into The Future 1973
Do You Like It Here Now, Are You Settling In? 1971
Be Good to Yourself at Least Once a Day 1972
B: Great
Rhinos, Winos and Lunatics 1974
Welsh-Connection 1976
C: Good
2 Ozs. Of Plastic With A Hole In The Middle 1969
Slow Motion 1975
The Twang Dynasty 1992
Man 1970
Reanimated Memories 2015
Revelation 1969
D: Decent
Anachronism Tango 2019
Undrugged 2002
Call Down The Moon 1995
Kingdom of Noise 2009
Diamonds and Coal 2006
E: Mediocre
Endangered Species 2000
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Sixty Minutes With Best of, 2007
The History Of Man Best of, 2005
Man Alive Live, 2003
Undrugged 2002
Downtown Live Live, 2002
The Pye Collection Best of, 2000
Rare Man Best of, 1999
To Live For To Die Live, 1997
The Dawn Of Man Best of, 1997
The Early Years Best of, 1994
Perfect Timing Best of, 1991
Green Fly Best of, 1986
Friday 13th Live, 1983
Maximum Darkness Live, 1975
Golden Hour Of Man Best of, 1973
Back Into The Future 1973
4 Psych Prog Space Rock
Twice Best of, 1972
Be Good to Yourself at Least Once a Day 1972
3 Psych Prog Retro Rock
Do You Like It Here Now, Are You Settling In? 1971
4 Psych Prog Space Rock
Man 1970