Kraftwerk Germany

Review by Time_Signature published
Melancholic Minimalistic Non-Prog Electronic

"A classic, "The Man Machine" contains some of Kraftwerk's, in my opinion, best tracks, such as "The Robots", "The Model", and "The Man Machine" which are both melodic/catchy and minimalistically weird (but not as weird as "Radio-Aktivität") at the same time. It's also very well produced, considering it's from 1978."

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Releases (Newest First)
Minimum Maximum DVD Video, 2005
Minimum Maximum Live, 2005
Expo 2000 Single, 1999
Concert Classics Live, 1998
The Model Best of, 1994
The Mix Best of, 1991
Tour De France Single, 1983
Computer World (Computerwelt) 1981
4 Playful Quirky Prog-Adj Electronic/Independent
Highrail Best of, 1979
Die Mensch·Maschine [The Man Machine] 1978
2 Hypnotic Melodic Prog Space Electronic
Trans-Europe Express (Trans-Europa Express) 1977
2 Cold Futuristic Prog Electronic
Pop Lions - Autobahn Best of, 1976
Doppelalbum Best of, 1976
Exceller 8 Best of, 1975
Autobahn 1974
Kraftwerk 1970