Journey United States

Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
S: Supreme
Raised On Radio 1986
A: Awesome
Red 13 EP, 2002
Freedom 2022
Generations 2005
Arrival 2001
Eclipse 2011
B: Great
Journey 1975
Escape 1981
C: Good
Captured 1981
Next 1977
Look Into The Future 1976
Frontiers 1983
Revelation 2008
Infinity 1978
D: Decent
Trial By Fire 1996
Departure 1980
E: Mediocre
Evolution 1979
generated 2024-12-04 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Freedom 2022
4 Non-Prog AOR
Live In Japan 2017: Escape & Frontiers Live, 2019
1 Melodic Non-Prog AOR
The Frontiers Tour: FM Broadcast, Oklahoma 1983 Live, 2014
1 Melodic Non-Prog AOR
Eclipse 2011
2 Non-Prog AOR/Hard Rock
Live In Manila Video, 2009
1 Prog-Adj AOR
Live in Houston 1981: The Escape Tour Live, 2005
1 Non-Prog AOR
Generations 2005
3 Prog-Adj AOR
Red 13 EP, 2002
2 Non-Prog AOR
the Essential Journey Best of, 2001
1 Non-Prog AOR
Arrival 2001
3 Neo Prog-Adj AOR
2001 Video, 2001
Greatest Hits Live Live, 1998
1 Non-Prog AOR
Time 3 Best of, 1992
1 Prog-Adj AOR
In The Beginnig Best of, 1990
Greatest Hits Best of, 1988
2 Non-Prog AOR
Raised On Radio 1986
3 Non-Prog AOR
Frontiers 1983
Escape 1981
Captured 1981
Dream After Dream Soundtrack, 1980
Departure 1980
Evolution 1979
Infinity 1978
Next 1977
Journey 1975