Jonas Hellborg Sweden

added by Mike
Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
S: Supreme
Unseen Rain (with Ginger Baker & jens johansson) 1992
Art Metal 2007
The Silent Life 1991
Onkyo Proudly Presents - Jonas Hellborg 1987
A: Awesome
Adfa 1989
Axis 1986
The Word 1991
Personae 2002
Friends Across Boundaries 1999
Ars Moriende 1994
B: Great
The Jazz Raj (with Art Metal) 2014
Bass 1988
e 1993
Elegant Punk 1984
The Bassic Thing 1981
C: Good
Ode to a Tractor 1992
No Other World (Jonas Hellborg/Johansson brothers, collectively known as The Shining Path 1992
The Jonas Hellborg Group 1990
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Art Metal 2007
1 Dreamy Tech Indian Prog Metal
Paris Video, 2004
Icon 2003
Personae 2002
1 Prog Fusion
Zen House 2000
Friends Across Boundaries 1999
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Time Is The Enemy Live, 1997
E 1994
Ars Moriende 1994
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
e 1993
Unseen Rain (with Ginger Baker & jens johansson) 1992
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
The Word 1991
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
The Silent Life 1991
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Adfa 1989
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Bass 1988
Onkyo Proudly Presents - Jonas Hellborg 1987
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Axis 1986
1 Prog Rock/Jazz