Gazpacho Norway

Review by Soul Dreamer published
Night 2007
Dark Emotional Neo Prog Rock

"This is the best album I heard in a long time. I'm completely overwhelmed by it. This is definitely a masterpiece. The tags here don't do it right, it should be something like post neo prog. I could describe the music as a mixture of Radiohead, Talk Talk and Marillion but that doesn't do this unique album right. The album is actually one track, split up in 5 pieces. It's a concept album about sleep and dream. It is creative, coherent and marvelous music which doesn't fail in all the 53 minutes, and in the end leaves you wanting just one thing: To hear it again."

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Releases (Newest First)
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Fireworker 2020
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Soyuz 2018
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Missa Atropos 2010
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A Night at Loreley Video, 2009
Night 2007
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