Black Midi United Kingdom

Review by Mike published
Hellfire 2022
Agitated Eclectic Prog Avant RIO/Independent

"Wow! Very nice, and a pleasant surprise after I had read a couple of reviews. This piece of rock is pretty much in opposition, and not for the faint of heart in terms of dissonance and roller-coaster-like changes in style and mood in rapid succession. But I'm buying the package, and I especially like the entire flow of the album, and appreciate the odd harmonic parts here and there that provide a nice and necessary contrast to the otherwise relentless onslaught."

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Releases (Newest First)
Live Fire Live, 2022
Hellfire 2022
6 Brutal Chaotic Prog Avant RIO/Independent
Cavalcovers EP, 2022
Cavalcade 2021
3 Brutal Chaotic Prog Avant Rock/Jazz
Schlagenheim 2019
2 Manic Noisy Exp Non-Prog Math RIO/Punk