Enchant United States

Review by Mike published
Emotional Neo Prog Art Rock

"This is simply a beautiful, timeless album. Most people have one problem with Enchant: On all their albums they managed to maintain a certain characteristic sound and never strayed far from it. As a result some people miss development and "progression". But I have no problem with that - their sound is fine. It's instantly recognizable, and instead of changing their sound, they focus on writing good songs."

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Releases (Newest First)
Live at Last Live, 2005
3 Neo Prog Rock/Metal
Live at Last Video, 2004
2 Energetic Heavy Prog Rock
Tug of War 2003
5 Heavy Prog Rock
Blink of an Eye 2002
8 Introspective Melodic Neo Prog Rock/Metal
Juggling 9 or Dropping 10 2000
7 Heavy Neo Prog Rock
Break 1998
Wounded 1997
4 Neo Prog Rock/Metal
A Blueprint of the World 1993
5 Heavy Neo Prog Art Rock