George Duke United States

added by Mike
Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
S: Supreme
In A Mellow Tone 2006
A: Awesome
Faces In Reflection 1974
Feel 1974
I Love The Blues - She Heard My Cry 1975
B: Great
The Dream (aka The 1976 solo keyboard album) 1978
C: Good
From Me To You 1977
A Brazilian Love Affair 1979
The Aura Will Prevail 1975
Face The Music 2003
After Hours 1998
Liberated Fantasies 1976
Dreamweaver 2013
Night After Night 1989
Thief In The Night 1985
Follow The Rainbow 1979
D: Decent
Reach For It 1977
Master Of The Game 1979
Don't Let Go 1978
The George Duke Quartet Presented By The Jazz Workshop 1966 Of San Francisco 1966
E: Mediocre
Dream On 1982
Illusions 1995
Rendezvouz 1984
Guardian of the Light 1983
Cool 2000
Duke 2005
George Duke 1986
Dukey Treats 2008
Save The Country 1969
F: Bad
Snapshot 1992
generated 2024-12-21 at
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