Aisles Chile

22 Prog27
[Awesome Musicianship5, Awesome Production4, Great Composition4, Great Songwriting4 and Great Coverart3]
Review by Rivertree published , edited
Bahamut Soundtrack, 2023
Heavy Neo Prog Rock

"They are still aboard! Inspired by the equally named Sci-Fi novel written by Francis Ortega this is a rather unusual band release, just like a suite based on diverse song snippets. Tricky instrumental fairway as usual, featuring a proper amount of electronics on this occasion."

Review by Rivertree published
Neo Prog Rock/Metal

"Guitarist Germán Vergara describes it as a 'record of crisis, but also of inspiring moments'. Album and track titles are anticipating some time of unrest. For sure a significant change concerning the line up, singer Israel Gil substituted Sebastian Vergara some years ago. Fabulous implementation regarding all instruments. There's so much potential available to survive, demonstrated with the recent two albums."

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