Coil United Kingdom

Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
...And the Ambulance Died in His Arms 2005
The Ape Of Naples 2005
Love's Secret Domain 1991
Musick To Play In The Dark 1999
Horse Rotorvator 1986
B: Great
Scatology 1984
Backwards 2015
The New Backwards 2008
C: Good
The Angelic Conversation 1994
The Remote Viewer 2002
D: Decent
A Thousand Lights In A Darkened Room (released Under The Name Black Light District) 1996
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Backwards 2015
The Ape Of Naples 2005
2 Cold Ambient Non-Prog Post Industrial/Darkwave
...And the Ambulance Died in His Arms 2005
1 Anxious Ambient Exp Non-Prog Post Electronic/Metal
Musick To Play In The Dark 1999
2 Surreal Cryptic Exp Prog Post Electronic/Noise
Love's Secret Domain 1991
1 Prog Electronic
Horse Rotorvator 1986
2 Somber Non-Prog Post Industrial/Darkwave
Scatology 1984