Larry Coryell

added by Mike
Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
S: Supreme
Larry Coryell & emily remler together 1985
A: Awesome
Barefoot Boy 1971
Level One (Larry Coryell & the eleventh house) 1975
Planet End 1975
Introducing (The Eleventh House With Larry Coryell) 1974
Offering 1972
Inner Urge 2001
Sketches Of Coryell 1996
B: Great
Spaces 1970
The Lion & the ram 1977
Coryell 1969
The Free Spirits - Out Of Sight And Sound 1967 1967
Return 1979
European Impressions 1978
Difference 1978
C: Good
Standing Ovation 1978
Aspects (The Eleventh House featuring) 1976
Back Together Again (with Alphonse Mouzon) 1977
Tricycles 2004
Larry Coryell with Philip Catherine - Splendid 1978
Cedars Of Avalon 2002
Tributaries (with John Scofield and Joe Beck) 1979
Moonlight Whispers 2002
Spaces Revisited 1997
Lady Coryell 1969
Le Sacre du Printemps 1983
The Restful Mind 1975
D: Decent
The Coryells 2000
E: Mediocre
The Real Great Escape 1973
Comin' Home 1984
New High 2000
Monk, Trane, Miles & me 1999
American Odyssey 1990
Toku Do 1988
F: Bad
Fallen Angel 1993
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Traffic 2006
Electric 2005
Tricycles 2004
Inner Urge 2001
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
New High 2000
Sketches Of Coryell 1996
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Bolero 1993
Live From Bahia Live, 1992
Toku Do 1988
Larry Coryell & emily remler together 1985
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Return 1979
Planet End 1975
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Level One (Larry Coryell & the eleventh house) 1975
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Introducing (The Eleventh House With Larry Coryell) 1974
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Offering 1972
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Basics 1971
Barefoot Boy 1971
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Spaces 1970
Coryell 1969