Alice Cooper United States

added by Mike
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Review by PowerWyrm published
Hard Rock

"This could have been a great concept album about the story of a serial killer fascinated by spiders... unfortunately neither the songs nor the music did make much impact on me. Musically the album sounds mostly like the early stuff (but without the unforgettable hits from the first albums), sometimes even like the albums from the early 80s (and who remembers those?). The use of multiple songwriters didn't help here and made the songs messy... and even the lyrics are uninspired. Clearly an album for fans only..."

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Releases (Newest First)
Road 2023
Breadcrumbs EP, 2019
A Fistful of Alice Live, 1997
Freak Out Live, 1993
Trash 1989
Raise Your Fist And Yell 1987
1 Non-Prog Hard Rock
DaDa 1983
Goes To Hell 1976
1 Prog-Adj Hard Rock
Welcome To My Nightmare 1975
8 Scary Eclectic Non-Prog Glam Hard Rock
Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits Best of, 1974
1 Non-Prog Hard Rock
Billion Dollar Babies 1973
6 Playful Raw Non-Prog Glam Hard Rock
School's Out 1972
3 Comical Groovy Non-Prog Hard Rock
Killer 1971
Pretties For You 1969
1 Eerie Non-Prog Hard Rock