Billy Cobham United States

added by Mike
Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
Spectrum 1973
Drum N Voice - All That Groove 2001
By Design 1998
Colours ( with Culturemix) 2005
B: Great
Billy Cobham's Glass Menagerie: Observations & reflections 1982
Life & times 1976
Drum N Voice 2 2006
Crosswinds 1974
Billy Cobham & Asere: De Cuba Y De Panama 2008
Total Eclipse 1974
Focused 1999
Magic 1977
A funky Thide of Sings 1975
Nordic 1996
The Art Of Five 2004
Billy Cobham's Glass Menagerie: Stratus 1981
Simplicity Of Expression, Depth Of Thought 1978
C: Good
Culture Mix 2002
Inner Conflicts 1978
Wolfgang Schmid / Bill Bickford / Billy Cobham: Paradox 1996
By Design 1992
Tales From The Skeleton Coast 2014
Wolfgang Schmid / Bill Bickford / Billy Cobham: Paradox, The First Second 1998
The Traveler 1994
Powerplay 1986
Picture This 1987
D: Decent
Art Of Four 2006
B. C. 1979
Incoming 1989
Palindrome 2010
E: Mediocre
Billy Cobham Presents Nordic: Off Color 1999
Fruit from the Loom 2007
Billy Cobham Presents North By Northwest 2001
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Culturemix Video, 2005
Colours ( with Culturemix) 2005
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Drum N Voice - All That Groove 2001
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Live In Rome Live, 2000
Focused 1999
By Design 1998
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Nordic 1996
By Design 1992
Incoming 1989
Powerplay 1986
Warning Live, 1985
B. C. 1979
Magic 1977
Shabazz Live, 1974
Spectrum 1973
4 Prog Fusion/Rock