Coins as Portraits Romania

Review by Time_Signature published
Prog Avant Grindcore

"A lot of weird and wonderful releases are made available on the Asiluum label, and this release has got to be the most brutal album released on that label so far.

With its flurry of blastbeats, screams and growls (and the occasional pig squeal), dissonant chords, breaks, build ups, changes and what not, "Form and Structure. Storm and Fracture." is a challenging listen in several- respects. In addition to the brutal and extreme metal elements, weird percussive sounds pop up every now and then, and Coins As Portraits also draw heavily on experimental jazz, making use of jazzy chords and figures that are more common in jazz and experimental music than rock and metal music.

The overall impression is that of chaos (although we are in reality dealing with extremely complex and dynamic song structures) and intensity. This means that a lot of people will probably not like this release, some even - I can imagine - perceiving it as not being music.

However, "Form and Structure. Storm and Fracture." is an interesting listen, and those who like intense and brutal, yet artistic music will probably enjoy this explosion of pure intensity of an EP immensely.

(review originally posted at"

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