KLL Italy

Review by Time_Signature published
Groovy Non-Prog Thrash

"KLL looks like one of those typical hardcore/crossover abbreviated band names, but take a listen to "Black Covers White" and you will learn that KLL is no such band (the only hardcorish element is the vocals which has a slight Roots-era Max Cavalera quality to them and there might be some similarities with Pro-Pain's groove based brand of crossover).

KLL delivers crushing midtempo thrash metal on this release, each tune being built around muscular riffs, often with a good dose of groove to them - and, while the main tempo mode is midtempo, KLL make use of just enough uptempo and chrushingly heavy elements to keep things interesting. Appealing to those listeners who like sophistication in their music, KLL have also inserted some progressive elements every now and then such as alternative, sometimes dissonant, chords and odd time signatures (just check the odd time signature-ladden 'Hidden Prison').

KLL's "Black Covers White" is potent, muscular and groovy, yet sophisticated and full of interesting details. Thus is should appeal to fans of Pantera and Machine Head on the one hand, but also fans of Invocator and other more progressively inclined thrash acts.

(review originally posted at seaoftranquility.org)"

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Releases (Newest First)
Black Covers White 2011
1 Groovy Non-Prog Thrash