Cyco Miko United States

Review by Time_Signature published
Eclectic Funky Non-Prog Alt Metal

"There are several different musical impression and influences on this album, but the one factor that provides the constant anchor point is the funk, as most tracks, regardless whether the draw on thrash, hardcore punk, hard rock, alternative rock, hip hop, industrial or whatever, contain funky elements - especially in the form of popping and slapping bass figures.

Some tracks are funk free, such as the opening 'M.M.M.' which is an all out metal track, while 'All the Way!' and 'Full of it' hearken back to Mike Muir's hardcore/crossover roots, and 'Slo Death' is a heavy doom-ladden track, while 'Got Feelings?' is a mellower ballady affair. Apart from those, Cyco Miko delivers an onslaught of mostly solid funk metal tracks straight in yer face.

The production is extremely professional, although I wish that the bass would be more dominant in the mix.

Fans of funk metal will definitely enjoy this album in all its slapping, popping and funking splendor.

(review originally posted at"

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Releases (Newest First)
The Mad Mad Muir Musical Tour 2011
1 Eclectic Funky Non-Prog Alt Metal