Stala & So. Finland

Review by Time_Signature published
It Is So. 2011
Non-Prog Metal/Party Metal

"Stala & So. may style themselves an over the top sleazy glam band - and their image would certainly indicate that - but this release, I would say, has more to offer than your average image-centred glam band. The tunes in this album, while paying homage to glam metal in its various stages in the history of rock, have just as many hard rock, AOR, pop rock, and alternative rock elements in them, as well as a couple of more hard-hitting metal riffs every now and then. Stala & So. really know how to write catchy vocal melodies, that's for sure, and then the vocalist's voice has a quite appealing quality to it and is not marred by the sleazy cheekiness associated with a lot of glamsters. If you're looking for some uplifting glammy hard rock with broad appeal, then Stala & So.'s "This Is So" is definitely a good option. (review originally posted at"

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Releases (Newest First)
It Is So. 2011