Golden Resurrection Sweden

Review by Time_Signature published
Cheesy Neo-classical Prog-Adj Power Metal

"Golden Resurrection is a Swedish power metal band whose style is quite symphonically inclined and stereotypically Euro-oriented - and this means lots of neoclassicisms, dominant keyboards and, of course, loads and loads of cheese. Thus, many of the tracks are uptempo and lighthearted, with the guitars and keyboards performing technically advanced and naturally quite impressive playing, and the vocal lines are epic and catchy and, well, big. Golden Resurrection do depart from the conventions of Euro power metal in certain respects - for instance, there are a couple of quite heavy passages every now and then, and the vocals are not operatic or soaring, but have a slightly more raw edge to them. Still, the album is generally very cheesy, and the vocals, while more hard edged, do sound a bit contrived and become slightly annoying in the long run. Another area where Golden Resurrection differ from a lot of other Euro power metal bands are the lyrics, which do not deal with dungeons, dragons, wizards, magic, epic battles and all that weird and wonderful fantasy stuff. Golden Resurrection's lyrical universe evolves around Christianity-themed lyrics which praise Christian deities, values and lifestyles. And, although I believe that religion is a private matter, I guess that writing lyrics praising the deities you worship is okay - but, on this album, it just comes across as Christian propaganda, and I must admit that I quickly got tired of listening to it. I could live with the cheesy power metal music and I could live with the ridiculously banal Christian lyrics, but the combination simply puts me off, because it triples the amount of cheese. Still, I can see how the uplifting lyrics of praise, hope and belief in the Christian god suits the already happy-pappy cheesy Euro power metal. Fans of cheesy power metal like Sonata Arctica, ReinXeed, and the like will probably find this release very appealing - and, power metal-loving Christians around the world should absolutely love it. (review originally posted at"

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