José Cid Portugal

Review by Time_Signature published
Melodic Prog Rock

"Somewhat of a prog-gem, this album is not the best in terms of production value, but the tunes themselves hold... and it's certainly a million times better than the terrible pimba-productions Cid started releasing afterwards. Let's hope that the rumors of another José Cid prog album are true."

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Releases (Newest First)
Oda A Federico García Lorca 1998
1 Symph Prog Rock
Pelos Direitos Do Homem 1996
1 Symph Prog Rock
Nunca Mais É Sexta-feira!... 1996
1 Symph Prog Rock
Vendedor De Sonhos 1992
1 Symph Prog Rock
Camões, As Descobertas... E Nós 1992
1 Symph Prog Rock
José Cid 1989
Magia 1982
My Music 1980
José Cid 1971