Tristwood Austria

Review by Time_Signature published
Great Brutal Non-Prog Industrial/Death

"Admittedly, industrial black metal is not a genre that I know a lot about, so this review may be characterized by ignorance. Anyway, this release is really brutal with plenty of blastbeats and dark industrial effects, but - and again this may be due to my ignorance - I do not really hear any black metal elements as such. I mean, on Aborym's "Psychogrotesque" there were recognizable black metal elements all over the place, but, honestly, I hear no black metal at all here. To me "Dystopia & Disturbia" sounds more like industrial brutal death metal or grindcore. The vocals are growled, the riffage is more in the death metal department and the guitar sound is more aking to that which is typical of death metal productions. "Dystopia & Disturbia" is brutal, combining grinding blast beats and heavier groove riffs with dissonant chords and a slightly djenty approach in certain places, some riffage is simple and repetitive, while other riffage is more complex... but, regardless of the complexity, they're challenging to listen to. The vocals are growled with the occasional pig squeal - apart from the pig squeals, I think that the vocals reach a high level of aggression and, well, insanity. So, if you are a fan of brutality, this should be your cup of tea. I do think that the emphasis on brutality has resulted in a sacrifice of variation, and thus the album in its entirety does strike me as being a bit samey. (review originally posted at"

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