Cryptex Germany

Review by Rivertree published , edited
Nimbus 2023
Prog-Adj Hard Rock

"Technically flawless, definitely varianted, the lyrics are embracing the complete range of emotions. And those five guys in their prime hailing from the Hanover region in Germany are bringing all the available energy into the game, that's assured. Simon Moskon's formidable singing voice again ranges from clear, charming towards raw, aggressive. The song material is properly Rock n' Roll tinged. Stylistically the new songs are to be classified somewhere between Prog, Alternative, Hard Rock, Metal. Overall there is a step away from Progressive Rock standards to note here. Nevertheless, leaving my personal preferences aside, this album is an excellent production by all means."

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Releases (Newest First)
Nimbus 2023
Once Upon A Time 2020
2 Hard Prog Art Rock/Pop
Good Morning, How Did You Live? 2011
1 Eclectic Prog Folk Rock