Steve Coleman

Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
S: Supreme
Phase Space (Dave Holland) 1992
A: Awesome
Harvesting Semblances and Affinities 2010
On the Rising of the 64 Paths 2002
The Sonic Language of Myth: Believing, Learning, Knowing 1999
Genesis & The Opening of the Way 1998
The Way of the Cipher 1995
Drop Kick 1992
B: Great
Synovial Joints 2015
Weaving Symbolics 2006
Lucidarium 2004
The Ascension to Light 2001
The Sign and the Seal: Transmissions of the Metaphysics of a Culture 1997
C: Good
Invisible Paths: First Scattering 2007
Alternate Dimension Series I 2002
Black Science 1991
Sine Die 1988
World Expansion 1987
E: Mediocre
On the Edge of Tomorrow 1986
Motherland Pulse 1985
F: Bad
Def Trance Beat (Modalities of Rhythm) 1995
generated 2024-12-21 at
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