Capilla Ardiente Chile

Review by Time_Signature published
Dark Epic Non-Prog Doom

"Capilla Ardiente is one of the more obscure Chilean doom metal bands (compared to the likes of, for instance, Mar de Grises and Procession), and this is their only output so far. The band's core members are members of Procession, too, by the way, and this might mean that they'll be too busy to produce any new Capilla Ardiente outout in the near future.

Capilla Ardiente play traditional doom metal, but with a much more epic touch than, for instance, Procession. I mean, just take song tength as an example. The whole EP is one long song in four movements, divided up into two tracks, each of which is more than 10 minutes long.

Now, you might think "That sounds really boring", but it isn't. The Chileans are very good at making the two tracks varied enough that the listener does not get bored, as ther eare several different riffs and also a number of changes in tempo (but the tempo is, of course, slow for the most part).

The atmopshere is dark, and Felipe Plaza Kutzbachs characteristically emotional voice contributes with both epicness and melancholy. The riffage is, of course, quit eheavy, and slightly reminiscent of the likes of Candlemass and Solitude Aeturnus, but Capilla Ardiente also make use of strange and dissonant chords every now and then, ehich creates an interesting and tense atmosphere. Unlike many other epic doom metal acts, Capilla Ardiente do not make use of kayboards and other epic-sounding effects - it's all generated in the music and melodies.

Recommended to any fan of old school epic doom metal - I hope these guys will find enough time to produce more Capilla Ardiente output in the future."

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Releases (Newest First)
Solve et Coagula EP, 2009
1 Dark Epic Non-Prog Doom