Nader Sadek United States

Review by Time_Signature published
Brutal Prog Death

"Nader Sadek is a death metal project, comprising members of Ava Inferi, Cryptopsy, and Morbid Angel, and named after the primary songwriter, producer and graphic designer of the band, Nader Sadek (who, as far as I understand, actually does not perform on the album), a visual artist who has done visual design for Mayhem among others.

While never transgressing the confines of death metal, the style is still rather eclectic drawing on various death metal subgenres, ranging from technical and progressive death metal over brutal death metal to groove death and old school death metal. Thus, this release is rich in insanely fast blastbeat sections and primitive muffled tremolo riffs - at times almost black metallish, but there is also plenty of more technical riffage and heavier and more groovy sections. So, do not get me wrong; this is not simplistic at all, and the musicianship is without question high.

Nader Sadek also derserves praise for his songwriting. Apart from a couple of interesting, to be sure, but perhaps also unnessecary, soundscape tracks, he has really managed to put together some solid and brutal death metal tracks that most certainly will inspire a lot of headbanging around the world in the near future.

"In the Flesh" is top notch death metal, combining primitive brutality with technical sophistication.

(review originally posted on"

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Releases (Newest First)
In the Flesh 2011
2 Brutal Prog Death