Brymir Finland

Review by Time_Signature published
Cheesy Epic Extreme Prog-Adj Power Metal

"In most metal databases, Brymir are listed as a pagan/folk metal band, and there certainly are folksy elements, including some folk instrumentation and some folk melodies every now and then, I think that this is much more of a symphonic metal release, as the band make use of several symphonic effects and symphonic orchestration to add a grandiose and epic atmosphere.

The music itself is basically a combination of power metal and molodeath with elements from melodic black metal and speed metal. While the musicianship is top notch, and the band maintain heavy sounding backdrop of heavy metal guitars and riffage combined with harsh vocals and frequent very fast blastbeats, I must admit that I think that the music on this release comes across as being rather cheesy because of the way that the keyboards and the symphonic and other epic-sounding effects are used.

Still, I would say that this is a good release which should appeal to fans of symphonic extreme metal in its various forms and shapes, and fans of European power metal should also like it, if they can live with the harsh vocals, that is.

(review originally posted on"

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