Pitch Black Denmark

Review by Time_Signature published
Non-Prog Thrash

"Pitch Black are often described as a melodic death metal act, but this their sophomore album is all out thrash metal, which contains a few melodeath elements.

The opening track "Replacing God" starts out as thrash as you can get with upbeat polka-thrash drums, old school thrash riffage and a fierce wah-wah solo. The rest of the song oscillates between uptempo thrash, heavier stuff and groovy breakdowns.

And that pretty much sets the tone for the rest of the record.

Pitch Black are very apt at writing guitar riffs which draw on both modern and traditional thrash metal - they are recognizable, but never unoriginal. Just check out "Replacing God", "Defriended", "Don't Make Me Mad", "Bandido", "I Return", "Revenge (Injustice for All)" and "Promise of A Dead Man", each of which contains several cool, fast, slow, heavy, frantic, melodic, groovy, you name it, riffs. Awesome stuff!

To vocals are a bit hardcore-ish being primarily yelled, but there's variations enough, still, to prevent the vocals from becoming boring or annoying.

The production is crisp, but not polished, and raw, but not underproduced, which suits the aggressive music quite well.

Recommended to fans of thrash metal, be it old school or modern! So, check ou this album when it hits the streets.

(review originally posted on metalmusicarchives.com)"

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Releases (Newest First)
The Devilty 2011
1 Non-Prog Thrash